PD Dr Damien Becker
Director / Head of the auxiliary scientific service in geosciences
Route de Fontenais 21
2900 Porrentruy
Tel. +41 32 420 9210
Associated and habilitated researcher
Department of Geosciences
University of Fribourg
Chemin du musée 6
1700 Fribourg
Research thematics
- Evolution of terrestrial paleoecosystems
- Evolution, paleobiology and paleobiogeography of mammals
- Rhinocerotoids systematics
- Terminal Pleistocene large mammals and the extinction of the megafauna
- Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and paleogeography of the Molasse Basin and Rhine Graben
Mammals, Systematicd, Biostratigraphy, Diversity, Evolution, Paleoecology, Cenozoic, Western EuropePublications
Current position
Professional background
2012-2016 |
Curator of JURASSICA Museum (since April 2012) and head of the auxiliary scientific service in geosciences of JURASSICA (since 2015), Porrentry, Switzerland |
2010–2012 |
Head of the scientific development, Paleojura project, Porrentruy, Switzerland |
2001–2012 | Leader of the Cenozoic research group, Section d’archéologie et paléontologie, République et Canton du Jura, Porrentruy, Switzerland |
1996–1998 | Applied geology in the private industry (geological offices in Fribourg, Vaud and Jura cantons) |
Academic background
2012 | Habilitation, Faculty of sciences, University of Fribourg (Switzerland) Habilitation thesis: Western European mammal diversity and evolution – The contribution of the Swiss record Inaugural lecture (10.12.2012): Paléontologie des vertébrés. Evolution–Diversité–Locomotion |
1998–2003 | PhD in Paleontology-Sedimentology, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland PhD thesis: Paléoécologie et paléoclimats de la Molasse du Jura (Oligo-Miocène) : apport des Rhinocerotoidea et des minéraux argileux |
1994–1996 | Master in Geology-Paleontology, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Master thesis: Géologie de la région de Cornaux (Jura/NE) et des marnières de Wallenried et de Cornaux (USM) |
2023 |
SwissCollNet project (2023–2024) [CHF 122'064 / SCN208-JU / PI]
From darkness to full light: digitization of an important collection of 19th century herbaria
2021 | Financial support of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI; 2021–2024) [CHF 2’200'000 / SERI / PI] Auxiliary Scientific Service in Geosciences (academic unit), Porrentruy, Switzerland |
2021 |
SNF Project (2021–2023) [CHF 349'288 / SNF 200021-192036 / PI]
Jurassic Globetrotters. Unlocking palaeobiogeographic analyses of Late Jurassic ichnocoenoses of Europe, North Africa and North America through computational ichnology
2019 | SNF project (2019–2020) [CHF 124’414 / SNF 200021-162359-2 / PI] Revision of the European « Grande Coupure »: Compared analysis of the evolutionary and diversity dynamics between small and large herbivorous mammals |
2017 |
Financial support of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI; 2017–2021) [CHF 1’900'000 / SERI / PI] |
2015 | SNF project (2016–2018) [CHF 377’722 / SNF 200021-162359-1 / PI] Revision of the European « Grande Coupure »: Compared analysis of the evolutionary and diversity dynamics between small and large herbivorous mammals |
2015 | Financial support of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI; 2015–2016) [CHF 886’300 / SERI / PI] Establishment of an Auxiliary Scientific Service in Geosciences (academic unit) in Porrentruy, Switzerland |
2011 | SNF project [CHF 201’342 / SNF 138119 / Co-PI / funding cancelled due to the death of Prof. Jean-Pierre Berger (PI)] Terrestrial palaeoecosystems of mammals from Eocene : biodiversity, biogeochemistry and biotic/abiotic events |
2009 | SNF project (2009–2011) [CHF 125’392 / SNF 200020-126420 / Co-PI / continuation of the project SNF 200021-115995] Terrestrial palaeoecosystems of large mammals from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene: biodiversity, biogeochemistry and biotic/abiotic events |
2007 | SNF project (2007–2009) [CHF 93’824 / SNF 200021-115995 / Co-PI] Terrestrial palaeoecosystems of large mammals from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene: biodiversity, biogeochemistry and biotic/abiotic events |
2013– | Survey for the cantonal paleontology in the Jura |
2008–2012 | Tavannes (Aquitanian, Miocene), Canton of Bern, Switzerland [scientific collaborator] |
2001–2011 | Head of the Cenozoic excavations along the Transjurane, Canton of Jura, Switzerland |
2010 | Wildegg (Pleistocene), Canton of Aargau, Switzerland [scientific collaborator] |
2007–2010 | Rickenbach (late Oligocene), Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland [scientific collaborator] |
2007–2010 | Engehalde (Aquitanian, Miocene), Canton of Bern, Switzerland [scientific collaborator] |
Services professionnels
- Academic editor: Actes de la Société jurassienne d’émulation (2014–) ; Swiss Journal of Geosciences (2013–)
- Peer-reviews: Actes de la Société jurassienne d’émulation ; Annales de Paléontologie ; Carnet de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology ; Comptes rendus Palevol ; Office fédéral de topographie swisstopo ; Geobios ; Journal of Archaeological Science ; Palaeovertebrata ; Revue de Paléobiologie ; Swiss Journal of Palaeontology ; Swiss Journal of Geosciences
- Associations: Société d’histoire naturelle de Fribourg (2003–) ; Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (2004–)
- Committees: Société Paléontologique Suisse (2004–) ; Programme doctoral Processus de surface et Paléobiosphère (ESPP) de la Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (2012–2016); Commission cantonale des musées (2012–) ; Cercle d’études scientifiques, Société jurassienne d’émulation (2013–) ; Conseil scientifique de la Fondation Jules Thurmann (2013–) ; Conseil scientifique du Parc naturel régional du Doubs (2013–)