Jurassica Museum

PD Dr Damien Becker

PD Dr Damien Becker

Director / Head of the auxiliary scientific service in geosciences

Route de Fontenais 21
2900 Porrentruy
Tel. +41 32 420 9210

Associated and habilitated researcher

Department of Geosciences
University of Fribourg
Chemin du musée 6
1700 Fribourg

Research thematics

  • Evolution of terrestrial paleoecosystems
  • Evolution, paleobiology and paleobiogeography of mammals
  • Rhinocerotoids systematics
  • Terminal Pleistocene large mammals and the extinction of the megafauna
  • Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and paleogeography of the Molasse Basin and Rhine Graben


Mammals, Systematicd, Biostratigraphy, Diversity, Evolution, Paleoecology, Cenozoic, Western Europe



Current position

Since 2017

Director and head of the auxiliary scientific service in geosciences of the JURASSICA Museum, Switzerland

Professional background


Curator of JURASSICA Museum (since April 2012) and head of the auxiliary scientific service in geosciences of JURASSICA (since 2015), Porrentry, Switzerland


Head of the scientific development, Paleojura project, Porrentruy, Switzerland

2001–2012 Leader of the Cenozoic research group, Section d’archéologie et paléontologie, République et Canton du Jura, Porrentruy, Switzerland
1996–1998 Applied geology in the private industry (geological offices in Fribourg, Vaud and Jura cantons)

Academic background

2012 Habilitation, Faculty of sciences, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Habilitation thesis: Western European mammal diversity and evolution – The contribution of the Swiss record
Inaugural lecture (10.12.2012): Paléontologie des vertébrés. Evolution–Diversité–Locomotion
1998–2003 PhD in Paleontology-Sedimentology, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
PhD thesis: Paléoécologie et paléoclimats de la Molasse du Jura (Oligo-Miocène) : apport des Rhinocerotoidea et des minéraux argileux
1994–1996 Master in Geology-Paleontology, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Master thesis: Géologie de la région de Cornaux (Jura/NE) et des marnières de Wallenried et de Cornaux (USM)


SwissCollNet project (2023–2024) [CHF 122'064 / SCN208-JU / PI]
From darkness to full light: digitization of an important collection of 19th century herbaria
2021 Financial support of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI; 2021–2024) [CHF 2’200'000 / SERI / PI]
Auxiliary Scientific Service in Geosciences (academic unit), Porrentruy, Switzerland
SNF Project (2021–2023) [CHF 349'288 / SNF 200021-192036 / PI]
Jurassic Globetrotters. Unlocking palaeobiogeographic analyses of Late Jurassic ichnocoenoses of Europe, North Africa and North America through computational ichnology
2019 SNF project (2019–2020) [CHF 124’414 / SNF 200021-162359-2 / PI]
Revision of the European « Grande Coupure »: Compared analysis of the evolutionary and diversity dynamics between small and large herbivorous mammals


Financial support of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI; 2017–2021) [CHF 1’900'000 / SERI / PI]
Auxiliary Scientific Service in Geosciences (academic unit), Porrentruy, Switzerland

2015 SNF project (2016–2018) [CHF 377’722 / SNF 200021-162359-1 / PI]
Revision of the European « Grande Coupure »: Compared analysis of the evolutionary and diversity dynamics between small and large herbivorous mammals
2015 Financial support of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI; 2015–2016) [CHF 886’300 / SERI / PI]
Establishment of an Auxiliary Scientific Service in Geosciences (academic unit) in Porrentruy, Switzerland
2011 SNF project [CHF 201’342 / SNF 138119 / Co-PI / funding cancelled due to the death of Prof. Jean-Pierre Berger (PI)]
Terrestrial palaeoecosystems of mammals from Eocene : biodiversity, biogeochemistry and biotic/abiotic events
2009 SNF project (2009–2011) [CHF 125’392 / SNF 200020-126420 / Co-PI / continuation of the project SNF 200021-115995]
Terrestrial palaeoecosystems of large mammals from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene: biodiversity, biogeochemistry and biotic/abiotic events
2007 SNF project (2007–2009) [CHF 93’824 / SNF 200021-115995 / Co-PI]
Terrestrial palaeoecosystems of large mammals from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene: biodiversity, biogeochemistry and biotic/abiotic events


2013– Survey for the cantonal paleontology in the Jura
2008–2012 Tavannes (Aquitanian, Miocene), Canton of Bern, Switzerland [scientific collaborator]
2001–2011 Head of the Cenozoic excavations along the Transjurane, Canton of Jura, Switzerland
2010 Wildegg (Pleistocene), Canton of Aargau, Switzerland [scientific collaborator]
2007–2010 Rickenbach (late Oligocene), Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland [scientific collaborator]
2007–2010 Engehalde (Aquitanian, Miocene), Canton of Bern, Switzerland [scientific collaborator]

Services professionnels

  • Academic editor: Actes de la Société jurassienne d’émulation (2014–) ; Swiss Journal of Geosciences (2013–)
  • Peer-reviews: Actes de la Société jurassienne d’émulation ; Annales de Paléontologie ; Carnet de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology ; Comptes rendus Palevol ; Office fédéral de topographie swisstopo ; Geobios ; Journal of Archaeological Science ; Palaeovertebrata ; Revue de Paléobiologie ; Swiss Journal of Palaeontology ; Swiss Journal of Geosciences
  • Associations: Société d’histoire naturelle de Fribourg (2003–) ; Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (2004–)
  • Committees: Société Paléontologique Suisse (2004–) ; Programme doctoral Processus de surface et Paléobiosphère (ESPP) de la Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (2012–2016); Commission cantonale des musées (2012–) ; Cercle d’études scientifiques, Société jurassienne d’émulation (2013–) ; Conseil scientifique de la Fondation Jules Thurmann (2013–) ; Conseil scientifique du Parc naturel régional du Doubs (2013–)


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